Rapid Environmental Assessment (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) is intended to help a person to survey the environmental conditions of a particular location during a specific period of time – the purpose being to identify any existing or potential problem areas or concerns with specific regards to the use of natural resources, but also considering broad social and economic impacts. We specialize in doing Rapid Environmental Assessments (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) for land development within the RDOS as well as more complex full-blown Environmental Impacts Assessments (EIA). “Environmental consulting services in Penticton”, “Environmental assessment process in Penticton”, “Rapid environmental assessment services in Penticton”, “Riparian Areas Regulation in Penticton”, “Wildlife Environmental Penticton”.
The REA is designed for natural, technological or political disasters, and as a best- practice tool for effective disaster assessment and management. The REA (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) does not replace an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), but fills a gap until an EIA is appropriate. A REA Rapid Environmental Assessment services may be use from shortly before a disaster up to 120 days after a disaster begins, or for any major stage-change in an extended crisis. “Environmental consulting services in Penticton”, “Environmental assessment process in Penticton”, “Rapid environmental assessment services in Penticton”, “Riparian Areas Regulation in Penticton”, “Wildlife Environmental Penticton”.
A Guidelines-based rapid environmental impact assessment may be conducted as a standalone exercise or as part of, and using information collected during, other standard disaster impact assessments. When done as part of another type of assessment, the REA (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) process should not result in any significant increase in workload in the field or during analysis.
Primary REA (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) users are people directly involved in disaster response operations, with a basic knowledge of the disaster management process but no background in environmental issues. The REA (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) process may be used by disaster survivors with appropriate support. The best results are expected to come when the REA (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) is completed with structured input from survivors and organizations providing relief assistance. Sections of the REA (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) may also be used for needs assessment and environmental impact screening during relief project design and review. “Environmental consulting services in Penticton”, “Environmental assessment process in Penticton”, “Rapid environmental assessment services in Penticton”, “Riparian Areas Regulation in Penticton”, “Wildlife Environmental Penticton”.
The linkages between disaster and environmental damage are recognized as important to predicting, preventing and mitigating the impact of disasters. Environmental Impact Assessment (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) procedures are well developed for non-ndisaster situations. However, they are conceptually and operationally inappropriate for use in disaster conditions, particularly in the first 120 days after the disaster has begun. The paper provides a conceptual overview of the requirements for an environmental impact assessment procedure appropriate for disaster conditions. These requirements are captured in guidelines for a Rapid Environmental Impact Assessment (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) for use in disasters. “Environmental consulting services in Penticton”, “Environmental assessment process in Penticton”, “Rapid environmental assessment services in Penticton”, “Riparian Areas Regulation in Penticton”, “Wildlife Environmental Penticton”.
The REA guides the collection and assessment of a wide range of factors which can indicate:
(1) the negative impacts of a disaster on the environment,
(2) the impacts of environmental conditions on the magnitude of a disaster and,
(3) the positive or negative impacts of relief efforts on environmental conditions.
The REA (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) also provides a foundation for recovery program EIAs, thus improving the overall post disaster recovery process. The REA (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) is designed primarily for relief cadres, but is also expected to be usable as an assessment tool with disaster victims. The paper discusses the field testing of the REA (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) under actual disaster conditions. “Environmental consulting services in Penticton”, “Environmental assessment process in Penticton”, “Rapid environmental assessment services in Penticton”, “Riparian Areas Regulation in Penticton”, “Wildlife Environmental Penticton”.
REA (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) Designed For Immediate Emergency Response
• Evaluation of potential ENV impacts
• Developed in response to perceived need, NOT legal mandate
• NOT Required by USAID or Other Donors
REA (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) is based on four modules, each with specific tasks focused on:
– Disaster context
– Disaster-related factors which may have an immediate environmental impact
– Nature and scope of environmental impacts of disaster
– Unmet basic needs of disaster survivors that could produce adverse impacts on the environment
– Negative environmental impacts of relief efforts
REA (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) Module 1: Organization Level Assessment
Focuses on critical environmental issues from the perspective of government, non-government and private relief organizations.
REA (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) Module 2: Community Level Assessment
Focuses on critical environmental issues from the perspective of communities affected by a disaster
• An understanding of priority issues from the community’s perspective is critical to relief efforts
REA (Rapid Environmental Assessment services) Module 3: Consolidation and Analysis - Putting it all together
Goal: prioritize environmental issues and actions Lives > Welfare > ENV • Four principal types of actions: – Modification of existing relief/recovery efforts – New relief activities needed – Additional information needed – Advocacy for disaster survivors required. “Environmental consulting services in Penticton”, “Environmental assessment process in Penticton”, “Rapid environmental assessment services in Penticton”, “Riparian Areas Regulation in Penticton”, “Wildlife Environmental Penticton”.
Module 4: Green Review of Relief Procurement
Focuses on materials and services needed for relief efforts to ensure they have the least negative environmental impact
– Waste reduction
– Recycling
– Energy efficiency